How a Grinch Stole New Years

Cass and I talked about moving a lot… maybe as a kind of coping mechanism when life got stressful for her. But as eager as I was to be moved out and for everything to be changed, I didn’t really want to do the moving or the changing. So when the time finally came, I found another couple coping mechanisms: one was pretty terrible, the other pretty fantastic.

Unorthodox Holidays

Our pineapple plant had a lot of memories tied up in it. Including the life of the pineapple plants it had come from. The last pineapple harvest, we didn’t celebrate as much as we planned. So Cassie promised we would make a huge celebration out of the next harvest–Pineapple Day! It turns out, Pineapple Day was just the made-up holiday I needed as I approach the actual holidays.

To Wear a Mask

Cassie had a way of making people smile. She reveled in her quirks and she flaunted her weirdness. That made Halloween her time to shine. It’s as if she thought to herself, “What costume could I wear, that no one else ever would?” I tried to do the same this year. As I did, I was reminded of an important purpose in wearing costumes and disguises.