Where Can I Go? Where Can I Flee? Pt. 1

She wanted to climb to the top of the pyramids and to see things leftover from a world forgotten. Egypt was just a little too far for her. She told me a number of times she would settle for the pyramids in Mexico. So, I knew exactly what I wanted to do in while in the Yucatan! While I wandered about the monuments the Maya left behind, I couldn’t help but wonder about the monuments my wife left behind.

Where Can I Go? Where Can I Flee? Pt. 0

When I lost Cassie, I lost the feeling of being known by someone. Losing that leads to unexpected feelings of loneliness that I can’t quite express to other people. It can be isolating and overwhelming. Whenever Cassie would feel overwhelmed, she would look at me and say, “Let’s just run away to Mexico.” So when that feeling blindsided me last week, I decided to run away… to Mexico.

Wild and Wonderful, Pt. 3

Between Cassie and I, one of our most memorable dates was going to St. Cloud Lakefront to watch the fireflies. And one of the things we were looking forward to most about summer in West Virginia was catching them with our nieces. Fireflies come with the reminder that there is hope in the darkness, even if they can’t dispel it.

Wild and Wonderful, Pt. 0

Cassie’s first trip with me to West Virginia was not very fun for her. She despised frigid air, cramped road trips and talking to near strangers through a stuffy nose. But she looked forward to sunshine, outdoor adventures and sharing life with kin. See, God made a promise: The world will keep spinning, winters will pass, summers will come and life will thrive again. I went to West Virginia with that same promise in mind.